Create, Modify, and Forget Customer Profile

This use case describes how to perform basic maintenance on customer accounts, creating, modifying and forgetting a customer profile.

The actions taken within this use case can help client organizations to manage the profiles representing their customers. The sequence of events is unlikely to occur in this exact order, but, their inclusion here depicts what actions might interest a customer most. Certainly once a customer creates their profile, they are likely to find cause to modify it sometime later. Unfortunately, they might also choose to terminate their relationship with a client and demand that their profile be forgotten. Note that this use case addresses both standard and custom profiles.

Standard profiles contain basic attributes, often provided at registration, such as age or address. Custom profiles, on the other hand, contain custom attributes that can be added to the standard profile and vary between clients and implementations.

Customer Journey

One helpful way of understanding this use case is to consider how it reflects the customer's experience, or journey, in the "real world."

New customer signs up for favorite coffee retailer's loyalty program, entering basic personal details in application

Customer sign-up triggers client middleware to create standard profile and, possibly, custom profile

Customer reviews profile and decides to modify email address

Customer's online experience suffers and they resolve to stop participating in coffee loyalty program

Client middleware forgets profile and ends customer's access to application

Platform Configuration

Before implementing this use case, ensure the following have been configured:


Custom attributes via API before creating custom or combined customer profile.

Customer profile model assigned in SessionM.

Customer's external ID defined.

Sequence Diagram

See the overall flow for this use case below.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CLIENT MIDDLEWARE CLIENT MIDDLEWARE SESSIONM SESSIONM CREATE STANDARD OR CUSTOM PROFILE 1 Sign up for loyalty program 2 Create standard and custom profile 3 Return standard and custom profile 4 Display standard and custom profile UPDATE COMBINED PROFILE 5 Modify profile attribute 6 Update combined profile 7 Return updated combined profile 8 Display updated combined profile FORGET CUSTOMER PROFILE 9 Request profile be deleted 10 Forget customer data 11 Return message that request was successful 12 Display message


This use case diagram contains multiple tasks, each one depicted in its own color-coded section. For more information, see the overview below.

  1. Create Standard or Custom Profile (Use Case Events #1 - #4)

    A few different ways of creating an existing customer profile.

  2. Update Combined Profile (Use Case Events #5 - #8)

    Easiest way to make changes to both standard and custom attributes in a profile.

  3. Forget Customer Profile (Use Case Events #9 - #12)

    Ensures customer's personal data is forgotten.

Best Practices

Custom profiles contain custom attributes that cannot be changed or deleted once they are created. So before defining them, be sure their names and corresponding types have stakeholder support across your implementation team.